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Tell us about yourself...

Hi I'm Carole, I moved to Brisbane from Sydney 9 years ago. I love spending time with family and friends and I love cat/dog videos actually any animal videos. And I do love my West Tigers!!

What's your role and how long have you been with the company?

I am a Credit Officer and have been with the company for around 9 years.

What is your involvement with the loans.com.au Women, Children & Community Program?

I've donated for 4 or 5 years now to Share the Dignity for their It's in the Bag promotion.

What do you think of the Program?

I think it's great that we have these opportunities here. In Sydney a few years back I volunteered with the Salvos on Christmas Day at their annual Christmas lunch, was one of the most rewarding days I have ever had just making people smile by singing Christmas Carols (and badly I might add)!

Why did you choose to donate to Share the Dignity?

I chose Share the Dignity as any of us could be in these women/girls situation at any time. Women helping women can't get better than that.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering?

​Just do it. If you ever get the opportunity to volunteer for any organisation it can be so humbling and rewarding.

To learn about other organisations in our Women, Children & Community Program:

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